Sunday, October 23, 2005

Nightmares and such

So here I am at work on a Sunday. It's easier to do some stuff when nobody else is around to disturb me, so I come in on an 'off' day every 2-3 months to get stuff done...
So here I am blogging :-p
Ok Windows updates run on their own eh?
The last 2 nights have been a bit of an oddity for me..Hopefully tonight won't make a 3rd.. I had nightmares 2 nights in a row... Friday night I had a dream in which I was in of all things some kinda RV, with some co-workers, one of my friends, and her boyfriend...And the first english bulldog our family every really knew, Petunia...
Petunia was hurt, she had some horrid looking wound on her..and she was suffering..and NOBODY was doing anything about it... I was trying to get us moving, but nobody seemed to be aware or caring that she was in such bad shape...There wasn't a lot of action..Just a lot of suffering...Her suffering and me suffering b/c there was nothing I could do for her....I know in the grand scale of things it doesn't seem horrid, but when I woke up I Felt... I donno, angry, frustrated, hurt etc...and Helpless I suppose.... It didn't start the day off well, and although it had some positive points (Great lunch with a buddy for example) It Still Sucked.....
And now last nights.....
The long and the short of it was that my girlfriend had done some things that showed me how little she thought of me, AND she'd of all things..Started smoking, a habit I really really despise... And she wouldn't stop..I spent most of the dream being REALLY REALLY angry at her, and trying to break up with her, but she wouldn't take me seriously and stuff....
And she wonders why I didn't want to talk about it this am...
I probably will discuss it with her if it doesn't fade away (I was hoping it would..) lord knows she's had enough nightmares with ME in em...
How screwed up is THAT eh.....

I'm really hoping to just have a normal night's sleep tonight.


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