Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I lost a friend today.

I got the call at work around 2pm, by the time I got to the hospital, he was already gone. I've known Al for probably about 10 years. He was a good man. He hadn't been feeling well for a couple of days, and basically thought he had some kinda flu. He was feeling poorly this am, called an ambulance, and died in his lobby of a heart attack. He was about 39.
I'll miss him terribly, and I will try like hell to learn from this loss... He outweighed me, but not by a lot.. I had started eating better and exercising, but of late I've fallen off that wagon, put more weight back on, and some folks said I'm more irritable since I've stopped exercising....
I've got to fix that... I'm not ready to die...I'm also not ready to put my family and friends through what we're going through now.....
Damn I miss him...But hopefully I can not let his death totally be in vain...
Alex, Like me, doesn't believe there is anything 'afterwards'.... For the second time in about a week, I really really hope I'm wrong.....
Maybe some good news will be coming my way soon.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can rest knowing that there IS someone greater than us out there in the universe. Otherwise, what is the point in life? ~B

12:12 AM  

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