Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Pros and Cons of Insomnia

Yes, I was up at 3am today. Slept a good...3 hours maybe? This is becoming incresingly frequennt and a bit more of a consern, however we should take a moment to look at the pros and cons of being unable to sleep:

Pro: Up early, at work early....

Con: Overnight construction, gives you unwelcome tour of the Bronx, and makes you wonder if theres anyone you know who might happen to have knowledge of the Bronx, and is awake at 4:10am...

Pro: No traffic to speak of, so while driving through these areas your car moves fast enough so you're a lousy target.....

Pro: Parking!....

Con: sometimes..... Sometimes parking is WORSE b/c not too many folks are up at 4 am to move their cars.......

Pro: "In A Gadda Da Vida"... LOUD!

Con: The drive throughs that ARE open NEVER EVER get your order correct.... And damnit at 3:30 I didn't want lunch, I wanted b'fast, and I was S.O.L. ...and they didn't even give me my soda. Grumbles.

Pro: You can get a lot done!

Con: you get a little done, and then are totally Irritable b/c of lack of sleep for the rest of the day ... Ok Ok I know, I'm totally irritable normally, but it's even WORSE......

Pro: Usually my Boss is totally awsome, and he'd let me go home a little early on days like this....

Con: Today... No Boss. Just me and one other guy...so no bailing early :(.

So folks, what are YOUR favorite things to do when you're not able to sleep?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lay there and watch infomercials.....that usually puts me out pretty quick.

Now that Mark is gone to work at night, I guess I could go on the internet..

1:19 PM  

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