Thursday, April 02, 2009

Facebook killed the Blog Star...

Not that I was much of a blog star mind you :).
I will very rarely put stuff up here I think, but most of my
comments will end up on my facebook account.
Interested in being my friend on FB? I'm the only
one with my name on there, so feel free to add me!

That being said, Icon this weekend can't wait!

Monday, June 23, 2008

She couldn't have known....

How many folks cared about her, for her.
Too young to have been taken... We are less
because of her loss....

Happy Birthday Liz, wherever you are....
You are missed.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Gary Gygax.....

Thanks Dude.. From all of us....

You changed countless lives...

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas in....well... December!

...Wanna know what I want for Christmas?
Ask..I won't say it here :).
And here I am again, about 4 hrs from 2 weeks off. I've got no definite plans
for these 2 weeks other then to NOT work. It's currently looking like
a trip to Montreal is gonna happen but nothings set in stone yet.
I'd really enjoy some serious CoH time though...
J did well for Christmas this year. A GPS, the mp3 player I don't like for
myself (I'm picky about my electronics, so shoot me..) bluetooth headset for
her Treo and a few CD's that she won't actually get till Christmas...
I think she got me...Clothing.
A Hint folks; NEVER buy me clothing, it's a questionable purchase at best and mostly
stuff like that goes right into a closet or donated, never to be looked at again, but I suppose
we'll see eh?
....I gotta tell you though, if my girlfriend basically got me boxers for Christmas I'm gonna be
kinda upset.....
As a guy with no faith though I suppose it doesn't really matter. I'm just glad to have the time off!
Hope to say something more interesting soon. Laters.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Christmas in August!

OK it's not that bad...Yet.
I really really hate it when the 'Holiday season' starts before thanksgiving.
Too many commercials. too much cheery holiday-type music, etc.
Give me a break, that time of the year is special because it's kinda unique,
and by stretching it more and more it just takes away from it IMHO.
...but what do I know, I'm not the one buying lots of stuff this year....


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Who was it..

That I was telling just the other day, that no matter how well the mets do in the beginning of the season, they always choke at the end? 10 errors in 2 games?! Comeon folks.
In other news I've decided that this will be a 'no red meat' week...I'm still eating chicken and turkey though. I find smoked turkey/egg on a bagel is pretty darn good....
Not as good as Pastrami/Eggs/Cheese...but still pretty good :)
So far I don't feel all that different, but it's only been a couple of days. We'll see how I'm feeling on say Friday.
I'm troubled about my Blaster on CoH. I'm not sure where to 'take' him really. It's so much easier to build a tank but CopBot is 33, I WILL see him hit 50...Just not sure when, or what his power sets are gonna look like...
Meh It'll be OK :)

Have a good one folks!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

And Fall comes round again...

Welcome to fall folks. I for one am of 2 minds about it. a) I LOVE Fall...I love the cool weather, beautiful foliage,etc... b) I'm not really excited about school starting again :-p.
Can't complain much this year though. The kids seem OK, The folks at Dell are keeping on top of stuff, I haven't been overrun with badness, and Hey, how many other jobs can give you 2 months off a year?!
I'm working on vacation plans for the next several months.If all goes according to plan (Yes I know when does THAT happen?) It looks like Disney for thanksgiving, a Cruise for Christmas and maybe...MAYBE...England for spring break...
There are of course questions about all of these, the first being...can I Afford to do all this?
Disney if it's a 'go' won't be too bad. Last time I was there I picked up an annual pass. The big expense will now be Transport and food...neither horridly unreasonable.
The Christmas cruise, 7 days, window room 1249...not horrid but really more then I"d like to spend. It goes to a number of places that would be nice to see, Key West,etc.
England...ah I don't think London will happen, if the other 2 do....although on expedia I found hotel/airfare for like 900 bucks I"m sure there would be tons of other expenses that would just suck up all my very weak American dollars...
We'll see.....

I spent some time this evening looking through old posts and stuff... some of the responses where surprising, not all in a pleasant fashion. I'm not sure what I did to 'anonymous' to make them so very angry with me, but whatever it was, I apologise if my actions hurt you.. I've never wanted to cause anyone so much discomfort.. I suppose we all do it to folks sometime though, and hopefully we can all learn and move on, and maybe forgive? Who knows.
Richard...I knew several growing up, I"m not at all sure which one this would be, however there's no one in my past I"d not want to sit down and have a meal with so if you're still reading (and if you are, sorry it's not more entertaining...) Drop me a line and we can have lunch or something. I'd like that....Even with the Angry Anonymous :).
....Hell, Especially with Angry Anonymous...
I suppose we all do what we can though eh?

Me? I'm gonna try to get some sleep, 530 am comes awfully early.

Nite Reader!